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To avoid buying fake goods, imitation goods. Please check the warranty ID (Warranty ID) right after purchasing.

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100.000 300.000 


Please register and activate the warranty within 15 days from the date of purchase according to the instructions:
Step 1: After you buy the product, check the warranty registration instruction card attached and get the ID engraved on the body, the ID code has a random form as follows: JGH0623198BL
Step 2: Visit the warranty website at link: or scan the QR code below.
Step 3: Enter the ID code and fill in all the information, then register (REGISTER)
Failure to register the warranty within the specified time may affect your interests in the future.
In case the Customer has not registered for the electronic warranty, the warranty period will be calculated based on a valid purchase invoice, date of manufacture or warranty card, if the product is sold by an official distributor.
The warranty period is calculated from the date of purchase of the product (based on a valid purchase invoice or valid warranty card) or the activation date of the electronic warranty, whichever comes first, but does not exceed the warranty period. calculated according to the date of manufacture shown on the sticker on the body.

Register for warranty online


What is the Pen E2 Limited Warranty?

1. Distributor Warranty Policy

The E2 Pen E2 Limited Warranty or one-year limited warranty is the warranty the E2 Pen offers to the user to assist the user in repairing policy damage for a period of one year from the date of product purchase. or extended warranty.

This is a voluntary warranty package of E2 Pen. With this warranty package, when a user’s device is damaged, we will bring the user’s damaged device to service centers to check, repair and replace components if possible. . This is a policy given to repair for users instead of changing new machines when they encounter damage.

2. Note
In this Pen E2 limited warranty policy, the following notes will be included:
When products from E2 Pen have problems, users will contact E2 Pen’s service center for support, advice and find the most effective way to repair.
Do not open the product yourself to check before sending it to an authorized E2 Pen service center. If a breach results in unintended defects, this warranty will not apply to such equipment.

3. Pen E2 Limited Warranty Contents
Only apply the 1-for-1 warranty policy for the Pen E2 with hardware defects such as: motor failure, push rod failure, shaft damage and push rod surface … These problems must be related to the manufacturer, the policy 1 for 1 exchange is applied instead of the limited warranty policy.

When having problems with user error, old machine, damaged components during use: broken motor wire, machine does not push needle, machine is loud, machine is dry with grease, etc., a technician will be consulted. replace components corresponding to damaged accessories (for free, free of charge for parts)



Can I place sample order before buy with bulk quantity?

Yes, you can place sample order first to check product quality.

Can you make the product with my design and packaging?

Yes, we can make the products with your design and your branding and your packaging.

How long can I get the samples?

You can get samples in 5-8 days after you pay.

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